Thursday, October 16, 2014

To be honest ... I'm sad.

Chastity is “a mystic virtue for those who have chosen it 
and perhaps the most superhuman use of sexuality." - Tondelli

Now that Fr. Check of Courage has said something, I can admit that.

I was consoled to read that Fr. Check also had concerns over the confusion generated by the 'relatio':

Now Father Paul Check, who leads the international Courage apostolate, which helps Catholics with same-sex attraction live in accord with Catholic teaching on chastity, has expressed concern about this passage. During an interview today, he said that Courage members are worried and confused about the message from the Synod:

"I am most concerned for the people who are part of the Courage apostolate. They trust that what the Church teaches on homosexuality is true. They are striving with God’s grace to live that teaching, amid other voices — including their own families — telling them to live another way and find a partner. 
They look at this language with dismay, concern and some pain. They count on the voice of the Church to keep them strong and reassure them that the choices they have made are true. The Church gives them strength to persevere. 
I also think about our EnCourage parents and their struggle to trust what the Church teaches is true, when there are many other voices in the legislature and judiciary that want to normalize same-sex unions.
When I read the statement, one thing that went through my mind was to ask the question, “Do we have the conviction that a chaste life is part of the good news of Jesus Christ, no matter what our state of life?"
We don't do someone any justice by allowing them to remain in a sinful way of life. but the call to conversion does not ignore the conditions in which someone is living. - Source

I'm not a member of Courage, but I embrace the spirituality and encourage others to embrace it.  I have struggled to live faithfully to Catholic teaching ever since my conversion in 1972.  I have failed, fallen, too many times, but I kept trying to live a chaste and celibate life for 30+ years.  The Lord heard my prayer and mercifully granted me that grace through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary during the Great Jubilee of 2000.  As the late Italian author, Pier Vittorio Tondelli said after his conversion, chastity is “a mystic virtue for those who have chosen it and perhaps the most superhuman use of sexuality."

Chastity is possible and obtainable.  If only I could convince others of what a beautiful grace it is.  To love chastity - pray for that - God always hears and answers our prayers which accord with his will.  Chastity imbues the soul with the most delightful freedom of spirit.

So yes.  To be honest.  I was sad.  I was sad that there are those seeking to convince the Synod Fathers otherwise.

What do I really do when stuff like that happens?

I double down in repentance - because I have so often compromised in the past.  I repent - convinced of my own infidelities.  I pray for mercy.  I pray Our Lady's Rosary.  I pray in reparation.  I make acts of faith and hope and charity.

I also try to laugh and pretend I'm not upset.  Like St. Therese used to do so as not to upset the Child Jesus - I pretend that I'm not sad.  Sounds childish and pious, I know.  I don't care.

It works for me.

Many thanks to Fr. Check for his support, encouragement, and guidance of same sex attracted people.  That's the kind of support the people of God need and desire.

Ed. note:  Sorry - I'm closing comments for this one... I might even remove my own commentary as well.  I always say too much.