Saturday, April 23, 2016

Monos - 'one who dwells alone'

I know this monk.

monk (n.)  Old English munuc "monk" (used also of women), from Proto-Germanic *muniko- (cognates: Old Frisian munek, Middle Dutch monic, Old High Germanmunih, German Mönch), an early borrowing from Vulgar Latin *monicus (source of French moine, Spanish monje, Italian monaco), from Late Latinmonachus "monk," originally "religious hermit," from Ecclesiastical Greek monakhos "monk," noun use of a classical Greek adjective meaning "solitary," from monos "alone" (see mono-).

I switched Mass times ... to be more solitary I guess.


  1. A local Oratorian priest was in the early stages of learning Spanish when he had an opportunity to preside at a Mass in Mexico on the feast of St. Romuald. He couldn't remember the word for "monk" in Spanish, but he figured it must be "mono." So he preached about St. Romuald, the "mono," who founded an order of contemplative "monos." The women in the front rows kept doubling over. He wondered if this was a local form of devotion. After Mass he asked one of the local priests if the word for "monk" in Spanish was "mono." No, indeed, it's the word for "monkey." (The word for "monk" is "monje.") When I saw your headline I laughed out loud.

  2. Haven't you always wanted a monkey?


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