Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nadine Brown and the Intercessors 'remnant'...

I guess some Lambs just can't remain silent.

I noted on Spirit Daily - one of my favorite news resources BTW - seriously, that Nadine Brown is in the news again today.  Archbishop Lucas doesn't want people reading her statements posted on her site but I doubt many people regard that request as binding - with all due respect to the Archbishop and human nature being what it is, I mean.

I'm kind of 'over' this deal right now - it's a local thing for Omaha and the Intercessors which happens to be nothing but a private association these days.  I'm not into charismatic or Medjugorje spirituality, and the spirituality of the Intercessors is much too novel for my taste - anyway - the habits sort of killed it for me right off the bat.  To each his own however.
"For 'Suppression' to happen in the Catholic Church, there have to be 'very grave reasons'”.

That statement, an excerpt from the Lamb- rack.  Nadine then added: "I certainly do not see any “grave reasons” for suppression precipitated by the Board of Directors and, even if there were, does a community, who had been approved in the Catholic Church by two previous Archbishops get suppressed because of a civil corporation? I shall leave this question in the hands of those in authority in the Catholic Church."  Anyway - Nadine Brown is claiming obedience and submission to the Archbishop while attempting to keep things going - business as usual as they say - literally.  (Donations.):
"Two days later, after the Decree of Suppression was announced, the ten former Hermits and myself returned to Bellwether to resume our mission of contemplative, intercessory and spiritual warfare prayer in union with Jesus the Lamb-Who-was slain. We also continue to respond to prayer requests, as well as our ministry of spiritual direction and private directed retreats. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, priests will once again be permitted to come here to celebrate the liturgy and the sacraments. But in the meantime, we attend Mass daily at different parishes." - Nadine Brown, Companion of the Lamb

In the next paragraph Brown offers thanks to the former Archbishop as well as Cardinal Regali and others who gave imprimaturs to her early writings and publications, as well as approval to her speaking engagements.  Someday I'd like to do a post on how writing doctrinally sound religious literature at one point in your life does not necessarily guarantee orthodoxy in everything else you do or say or write for the rest of your life.  Henry the VIII was declared "Defender of the Faith" at one time by the Pope...  and his non-Catholic successors retain the title.

How the saints act:  Padre Pio.

Diane at Te Deum blog discusses the feeble comparison some souls are making of Nadine Brown's situation to those troubles from Church officials St. Pio experienced at various times in his life.  Pio's conduct is vastly different from that of Nadine Brown's however.    As Diane respectfully points out:

"Can you imagine Padre Pio continuing all that he was doing on the basis that he did not agree with the findings of the Holy See which forced him into his "imprisonment", as he called it? He did the right thing - though innocent, he accepted the decision of Church authorities, and he did so in silence.
As for her response? It speaks for itself. It seems to me that if she were like St. Pio, she would have gone off quietly, but not before encouraging her followers to cooperate with the Archbishop. She would have encouraged the lay board to cooperate with him. Perhaps she did and we are unaware of it. There is nothing that I am aware of, publicly, which suggests that she did this. In fact, the "message from our foundress" on the corporate website shows that she voluntarily associated herself with the very lay board of directors who balked at working with Archbishop Lucas.

I regret that there is nothing impressive, nor "Pio-like" in this behavior." - Contrasting Nadine Brown and Padre Pio
Much like the Theology of the Body discussions, I'm backing off from this story for reasons cited earlier, as well as to leave it to those better informed, who like Diane, seem to be much more objective and respectful when dealing with church-people matters than I am.
Photo:  Source


  1. Is that picture for real? For some reason I find the little kids in habits a bit freaky (it may be "just pretend" and probably is not what they wear every day). I know the Intercessors had families who were members living in houses on their property. That just seemed a little too much like a commune (or a cult). I know many religious orders have lay associates. But there seems to be more of a boundary; you don't drag your whole family into it, especially kids who are too young to make any kind of a decision like that.

  2. It is for real, click on the source for some good commentary.

    That said, Teresa of Avila dressed her niece up as a nun while she took care of her in the monastery - I think it has been done - but it does look strange today.

  3. Mother Teresa had to wait a long time for approval to start the Missionaries of Charity, and was counseled not to ask about it in the meantime. She was obedient.

  4. Terry - thanks for the kind note in my combox.

    I just wanted to point out that Sr. Laurel M. O'Neal, Er. Dio. has been doing an awesome job of fielding questions from people on this. Her latest post is pretty good. It was made a few days ago, before Nadine's latest message.

    Nadine Brown: Disobedient? Right to Personal Ministry?

    You have to follow it through to the end to see where she is going.

  5. Good point Nan.

    Diane - you really do a superb job and I'm impressed with Sr. Laurel's good instruction as well. God bless!

  6. Really? Spirit daily? I'm surprised! I don't like it one bit...false visionaries, general tone of hysteria...just the kind of thing that kept me scared of finding the fullness of the faith years ago. I'm surprised it doesn't set off alarms for you. It set my spidey sense tingling immediately.

  7. ck - I was being facetious - but I do it check it daily for fun tabloid stories and end times prophecies - just in case you know.

  8. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I look at S.D.occasionally too....did you see the disclaimer there? "Nadine Brown is not related to Michael Brown"

    Well, that's one thing in her favor! ;)

  9. Just a note on the source of the picture. I have used it a couple of times on my blog (it really drives me a bit wild) and the above link takes you to a different article than the one discussing the kids in habits. The article you want to look for is on the "Trivialization of the Habit." Look under the various labels for that or on the blog archives for October. This picture really makes me wonder about many aspects of the HIOL. It is something I suspect they are going to wish was never taken -- even if it was a one time occasion, which I personally doubt.

  10. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Youse guys really push the envelope, I think that I will stick with Gameliel. His advice to the Sanhedrin was pretty darn good.The other name coming to mind at this moment is Joan of Arc, St. Joan of Arc, if you will...After all, all she had to do was deny who she believed was speaking to her and she could have avoided being a crispy critter... These days we have a proverbial burning at the stake and we do what the secular world is trying to do the Church... suppress it into silence


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