Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fr. John Harvey, osfs: Some thoughts.

Courageous witness.
Yesterday I read an offensive comment on another blog condemning the late Fr. John Harvey's view that in certain circumstances men with same sex attraction could be ordained or admitted to religious life - but only if all things were well ordered in their life, of course.  Fortunately the negative comment has been removed this morning.  Without much ado, I present a brief look at the Fr. Harvey view below - which coincides with the Vatican Instruction BTW.  From a Zenit interview on the same document:
Father John Harvey, an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, is director of Courage International, a support group for men and women with same-sex attractions who wish to live chastely according to Church teachings.

Q: What is your impression of the new Vatican document on seminaries and those with homosexual tendencies?

Father Harvey: I think it is very good because it does not try to answer every question -- it tells you from the beginning that it will not. I think it is refreshing. It simply sets down norms for bishops, rectors and people in seminary work.
I think it is wise to put the responsibility on bishops and rectors to understand this issue and to make decisions about individual seminarians. I think this is a good thing instead of answering every question.
It is clear of two types they do not want: those are actively engaged in a homosexual lifestyle and those who push the gay agenda, that "gay is good." People with that view should not be in seminary.
The document rightly mentions that some distinctions should be made between people with deep-seated homosexual tendencies and people with transitory same-sex attractions. It is correct in that some homosexual tendencies may be a symptom of a problem of delayed adolescence.
I was hoping the document would not be a big universal statement like "Anyone with same-sex attractions is automatically eliminated." It does not say that and allows that there are a lot of distinctions to be made. - Zenit, November 2005
Please understand that whenever I write my private opinion and say something like, "gay men should not be ordained" I am writing about active homosexuals, men without self control who do not practice celibate chastity and continence, as well as ssa men who remain sexually open-ended, as it were: "if the right situation or guy comes along".  Men who continue to harbor inordinate affections or preferential options for the same sex.  As well as those who Fr. Harvey referred to in the following statement:  "For years within the Church we have had people pushing the gay agenda - groups such as Dignity, New Ways Ministry, and gay and lesbian ministries."  Needless to say, I am also writing about those same sex attracted men who identify as gay, and or approve of or promote the gay lifestyle.  As Fr. Harvey noted in the 2005 interview, "There is a distinction between transitory same-sex attractions and permanent and destructive homosexual tendencies."  Is there ever!
A fitting tribute.
I also came across the following tribute to Fr. Harvey on that same blog which carried the negative comment.  This is a beautiful and fitting tribute to the holy priest who ministered to persons with same-sex attraction with such dedication and charity for the better part of his life.
Thank you for all your work in promoting disinterested friendship and helping all of those afflicted with homosexuality overcome their deep-seated tendencies. You showed nothing but acceptance with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. You avoided every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard. You helped many to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they be Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition. You showed that homosexual persons are called to chastity. You taught that the virtues of self-mastery lead to inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace that they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection. - Andy Milam

Note:  Spirit Daily incorrectly referred to Fr. Harvey as the founder of the group that healed homosexuals - Courage International never makes such claims.
Link to Fr. Harvey's Memorial.

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