Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Jesuit asks: Where is the outrage? "Now that the President and Representative Pelosi have brought religion into the realm of the state vis-à-vis the question of marriage and what constitutes marriage..."

In response to the President and Nancy Pelosi dragging religion into the issue of Same-Sex Marriage.

Pelosi says: "My religion compels me..."

Jesuit says: "No it doesn't..."

President Obama and Vice President Biden both brought their religious faith/views to bear in their decision making process regarding approval of same sex marriage...

Jesuit says:  "Now that the President and Representative Pelosi have brought religion into the realm of the state vis-à-vis the question of marriage and what constitutes marriage. I wonder if we shall see Americans United for Separation of Church and State launching their latest legal crusade against such unconstitutional establishment, knowing that if Bishop Jenky should not bring religion into public policy issues, why should public officials be permitted to do this without objection?"

In his essay, Fr. Aaujo goes on to address the issue of discrimination, stressing that the Church only bans 'unjust' discrimination.
The first point is that the Church to which she and I belong does not condemn “discrimination of any kind” but, rather, it condemns unjust discrimination. If I interpret her statement correctly, she asserts that the Church is “against discrimination of any kind.” As she says, her religion “compels her” to be “against discrimination of any kind.” But even Rep. Pelosi discriminates, and her discriminations for the most part are probably not unjust—some may even be objectively reasonable and, therefore, perfectly acceptable and be in accordance with American and Christian values. For example, when she chooses a clothing ensemble, by selecting a red, or blue, or tan outfit, she discriminates. When she contrasts the policies and platform of her party and distinguishes them from the opposition party, she discriminates.

Of course, some who claim the office of theologian say that the Church and her bishops are wrong on the issue of same-sex marriage initiatives by opposing them and argue that the Church’s position on this subject is “not really an argument that has theological justification.” [HERE] Really? How remarkably astonishing! What is all the more surprising is that one of the theologians quoted in the link just cited argues that the bishops “are misrepresenting ‘Catholic teaching,’” and are “trying to present their idiosyncratic minority views as the ‘Catholic position,’ and it is not.” To ask again: Really? The justification upon which this person relies seems to be polls as he indicates by referring to “most Catholic theologians”, so if fifty-one percent of the Catholics in this country were ready to bring back slavery or mandatory sterilization of “imbeciles”, would that make the Church’s teachings against these policies additional “idiosyncratic minority” views? Another theologian who is quoted in the previous link claims that the Church’s position on marriage and the institution of civil marriage are distinct (but he fails to acknowledge that Catholic priests and deacons perform marriages which are recognized by the civil authorities), so the Church should declare: “It’s none of our business.” But if it is not any of the Church’s business, why does this Catholic theologian have on or around his office door (at a Catholic university) posters endorsing same-sex marriage? He might argue that this is his personal view. But if it is, why is he, who has influence over the intellectual and moral formation of young Catholics, underscoring his support to his students and anyone else who passes by his office at a Catholic university? Maybe that’s one reason why younger people who claim to be Catholic are increasingly inclined to support same-sex marriage: they haven’t been exposed to reasoned views to the contrary in institutions which claim the moniker “Catholic”. - Finish reading at Mirror of Justice
It's a must read from a priest who knows what he is talking about. 

God love the Jesuits!

H/T Campus Notes and Pewsitter


  1. The difference seems to be among the democratic "Catholics" that their religion must be adulterated by politics and their politics must never be adulterated by their religion. They wish to be progressive; but they do not care for the direction of progress to which Jesus points. "In the dullest medievial morality we might have a joke about a progressive gentleman who, having passed heaven and come to purgatory, decided to go further and fare worse." G.K.Chesterton, "George Bernard Shaw"

  2. A JESUIT said this? Maria ... :)


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