Monday, July 09, 2012

Remember how Pope John Paul II didn't approve of socialism?

"I'm against it!"

I found an interesting piece on the failures and evil roots of socialism posted on the Acton Institute blog.  I knowAND, as you know, ze Acton Institute has ze Zood Zousekeeping Zeal of Zapproval - zo I zat up and took notiz.

Seriously, the article is a very good and timely reminder how the errors of Russia have permeated the West.
Russian warns on the _______ roots of Socialism.

In Rome to address a conference sponsored by the Dignitatis Humanae Institute on June 29, Russian pro-life campaigner Alexey Komov expressed amazement for the support that socialism gets in some quarters in the West even though it has “never worked in world history.” In an interview with the Zenit news service, Komov pointed to how this ideology had caused such great pain and suffering “all in the name of social reform, progress and improvement.” His criticism was also leveled at the “softer version of socialism” of administrations in the West led by President Barack Obama and recently José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the former prime minister of Spain.
Komov believes that if you “dig deep enough into the ideological roots of these socialist movements, you end up finding satanic roots in them.” And although only a softer version is prevalent now, “it is still very dangerous,” he says. “I would warn all those people fascinated by socialist ideas that they have never worked in human history — never worked.”

The traditional nuclear family is a particular enemy of socialism, he says, because it is the basic institution that preserves values and passes them on to the next generation. “The state, if it wants to dominate life and the individual from birth to death, needs to destroy the family, because the family is independent of the state,” he argues. “As Marx and Engels said, the family is a repressive, bourgeois institution that needs to be destroyed; they need to get rid of its patriarchal power and that of Christianity because they are the main obstacles of the social revolution.” - Continue reading here.
"No damn good!"

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