Thursday, February 07, 2013

Clinical and sanitary... potassium chloride.

“When performing an abortion on a woman who is 21 weeks pregnant or more, in addition and prior to following general procedures, we are instructed to inject digoxin or potassium chloride into the fetus or the amniotic sac. This effectively kills the fetus, thereby avoiding having to deal with a live, aborted infant." - Dr. Christiane Dauphinais

The Nazis won the war after all.


  1. The Nazis have nothing on us. Interesting that the doctor uses the words "live aborted infant." This shows that she knows she is killing a human being. It is ironic that this same method is used to execute criminals.

    I guess these babies are guilty for having been conceived, and now they are receiving the death penalty for this egregious act.

  2. Mark Shea is right when he says the difference between us and the Nazis is that in Nazi Germany it was a government policy to exterminate undesirables. Americans slaughter innocents of their own free will and have convinced ourselves that this is a right like any other. The rot seems deeper.

  3. I'm guessing you don't have a problem with using graphic images to show the reality of the slaughter of babies.


  4. Katharine - I try to avoid graphic images only because it opens wounds for women who regret their abortions.

    For this post, I used an archival, public domain, almost textbook Nazi photo of dead children for the post instead. One might see it in a museum. Oddly enough, some sensibilities seem to be less offended by Holocaust photographic evidence. That isn't a good thing either. I think this photo is reminiscent of paintings concerned with the Slaughter of the Innocents.

  5. what is most disturbing is that these abortionists can refer to the fetus as an infant and still kill it, presumably without difficulty.

  6. An illustration of His infinite Mercy. How are we still in exsistance?

  7. So very sad, they did indeed.


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