Wednesday, October 01, 2014

My Little Therese

I love this passage from her writings so much:

"Although Jesus is giving me no consolation, he is giving me a peace so great that it is doing me more good!"

It seems to me that is the ecstasy of little souls.

1 comment:

  1. She truly is special. Sweetness and faith filled and close to us all. I had the privilege of being a volunteer for the Carmelites of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Alhambra, California when St. Therese came to visit them back in 2000. Her relics were visiting many cities in the U.S. back then.

    I remember when I visited her, her presence was quite palpable and very peaceful. I took my parents and my two precious nieces with me. I have a rose I keep on my little altar that still has the fragrance of a soft scent of roses after so long. I touched her relics with that rose and have kept it to this day.

    Santa Theresita, preciousa y chiquita, ruega por todos nosotros.

    A wonderful story:

    The nun in the hotel lobby


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