Friday, February 10, 2017

What do you want your last post to be?

I was thinking about that.

What if I never posted anywhere online again, and in the future, someone came across my blog or Facebook page and saw the last posts I did?

So I removed a post this morning.

Someone 'liked' a comment on FB and I felt satisfied, affirmed - because someone I don't know, who doesn't know me, liked something stupid I wrote.

How can you believe if you accept praise from one another? John 5: 31-47


Envy goes hand in hand with that greed for approval and 'likes' or comments.

Envy is a big part of life online wherein our writing necessarily tends to put down someone or something else to make our opinion known.  Not always, but frequently.

Pride, self-opinion, self-love, spiritual sins ...

Among the causes of tepidity in retarded souls, the tendency to derision should be particularly noted. St. Thomas speaks of the derider when he discusses the vices opposed to justice: insult, detraction, murmuring against the reputation of our neighbor. He points out (4) that to deride or to ridicule someone, is to show that we do not esteem him; and derision, says the saint, may become a mortal sin if it affects persons or things that deserve high esteem. It is a grievous sin to ridicule the things of God, or our parents, or superiors, or good persons who lead a virtuous life. Derision may even become very grievous by reason of its consequences, for it may turn weak souls forever away from the practice of good. Job replied to his friends: "He that is mocked by his friends as I, shall call upon God; and He will hear him. For the simplicity of the just man is laughed to scorn." (5) But it is also said of deriders: "He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh at them." (6) The terrible irony of heaven will chastise that of earth.
The derider is himself a retarded soul, holding others back and becoming, often without being aware of it, the instrument of the spirit of evil. His cast of soul, which is the direct opposite of evangelical simplicity, is the one most opposed to supernatural contemplation. The derider, who wishes "to play the rogue," ridicules the just man who tends truly to perfection; he emphasizes the latter's defects and depreciates his good qualities. Why is this? Because he feels that he himself has little virtue, and he is unwilling to admit his inferiority. Then, out of spite, he lessens the real and fundamental value of his neighbor and the necessity of virtue itself. He may greatly harm weak souls which he intimidates, and, while working his own ruin, he may labor at their perdition. - Three Ages of the Interior Life; Part II, Ch 37

That's me.

There is nothing sound in what I post.  Nothing. 


  1. Be consoled in knowing that the Father’s love is greater than our sins and weakness. Always. He told me! :)

  2. Oh nonsense, dear Terry. You are posting many thought-provoking opinions.
    I really like (love) you a hellavu-lot based on what you "post".
    Excentrism (and you have that in you, thank the Lord) is quintessentially "Biblical". What does "Exodus" mean, after all?

    From one "excentric" to another, don't quit posting, even if all the "excentrics" do not always agree 100% with another. LOL


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